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19 May 2022 Free webinar at 7 pm: Assessment of Dissociative Children and Adolescents

Many children and adolescents in health care systems suffer from consequences of trauma, including dissociative conditions. The origin and dissociate nature of their problems often remain unrecognized for years, and the young patient does not get appropriate help.

Therefore, the ESTD board and scientific committee is most delighted to invite you to this important  FREE ONLINE WEBINAR  with Dr Renée P Marks.  

We are excited to invite clinicians and researchers to this free educational webinar.


May 19th 2022 (GMT+1, Brussels / Berlin / Warsaw / Madrid time), at 7.00-8.30 p.m.

The recording of this webinar will be available later as video-on-demand only for ESTD members.



Renée Potgieter Marks works in the north of England at Integrate, as a therapist and clinical lead.  She specialises in children and adolescents with attachment difficulties, complex trauma and dissociation who display significant emotional, social and behavioural problems and/or are struggling with mental health problems.
Renée is also a national and international trainer as well as the founder of BICTD, providing online training for therapists on Assessment and Treatment of Children with Complex Trauma and Dissociation.  She is chair of the Child and Adolescent Committee of the ESTD and was involved in developing the Guidelines for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with dissociative symptoms and dissociative disorders.


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