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Working with children escaping from war with EMDR, online, sâmbătă, 12.03.2022, între orele 10 - 18

Dragi colegi,

Dorim să vă informăm că EMDR Europe vine în sprijinul membrilor asociației, în special a celor care sunt implicați direct în lucrul cu refugiații din Ucraina, cu un seminar gratuit deschis tuturor membrilor Societății Române de EMDR și în mod deosebit celor care desfășoară activități profesionale cu copiii și adolescenții.

Seminarul  „Working with children escaping from war with EMDR”  se desfășoară online, sâmbătă, 12.03.2022, între orele 10 – 18,  și este susținut de Umran Korkmazlar și Berfin Bozhurt. 

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Echipa EMDR


Umran Korkmazlar has been the Turkey representative in the European Child & Adolescent EMDR Committee since 2000, she is a founding member of the EMDR Turkey Association and a member of the board of directors for the first two terms. She is currently the chairman of EMDR-TR, Child & Adolescent committee. She worked in psychological intervention to victims of many traumatic events in Turkey since 1999, EMDR-HAP (Trauma recovery group) lead the volunteers and gave trainings and supervisions voluntarily. She is a European approved EMDR therapist, consultant and Turkey’s first Child & Adolescent EMDR trainer.

Umran Korkmazlar

Child & Adolescent EMDR trainer

Berfin Bozhurt has done many voluntary work with children and their parents, within the scope of EMDR-HAP (EMDR – Humanitarian Assistance Programmes).

Berfin completed her doctorate in psychology from the University of Lorraine, France. She wrote her PhD thesis on EMDR group therapy with adults and children. She provides therapy with children, adolescents and adults using EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Play Therapy.  

Berfin Bozhurt, PhD


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